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Custom Cell Phone Cases

Regular price $29.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $29.99 USD
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🥰 Finally an original gift to surprise your partner, family or friends
🎨 Handmade drawings
✅ Receive the first version in less than 48 hours
💫 Unlimited revisions until you don't like it, we don't stop making changes!
📦 If you order a printed product, receive it at home in 4-7 business days after design approval

Take your Drawings Everywhere with Our Personalized Cell Phone Cases

Why limit yourself to appreciating your favorite drawings only at home? Now you can take that unique piece of art with you by customizing your cell phone case with our three drawing styles: realistic, minimalist and cartoon. Add a special touch to your mobile device and show off your personality and style wherever you go.

Realistic: Carry an authentic portrait of your loved ones, pets or special moments with you at all times.

Minimalist: Add a touch of elegance and simplicity to your phone, keeping the beauty of simplicity close to you.

Cartoon: Have fun with colorful, animated design that reflects your passions and creativity.

Characteristics of Our Personalized Covers:

  • Very high quality material for long-lasting protection and a premium finish.
  • Rugged design and perfect fit for your iPhone or Samsung.
  • Custom drawing done by hand by our talented team of artists.
  • Unlimited revision possibilities to guarantee your satisfaction.

Make your phone unique and expressive with a custom case that reflects your tastes and preferences.

Order your personalized case today and take your drawings everywhere.

    • 1. Send your photo

      Choose the photo that you like the most, a special moment, a trip..

    • 2. Wait 24-48 hours

      You will receive a first version of your drawing, in case you want to change something, we will change it.

    • 3. Order Shipped

      Once you give the go-ahead, we will send your order and you will receive it in within a few days

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    We turn your photo into a unique memory

    We transform your photo into a personalized handmade drawing that you will never forget.

    We transform your photo

    We can add, remove, change the position of any element of your photo.

    Ask for it and we will ensure that your drawing is perfect!

    Ideal to give as a gift

    Our custom artwork is ideal for those occasions in which you want someone to never forget the gift you have given them.

    Frequently asked questions

    How do I upload my image?

    Click on the "upload my photo" button

    Can I merge different photos into one?

    Of course! It is possible to put together different photos in a single drawing.

    Just upload the photos in our image uploader and tell us the instructions.

    If you need more help, contact us.

    When will I recive my order?

    You will receive a first sketch within 24-48 hours after you placed your order.

    Once you confirm that you like it, we will proceed to send it.

    The entire process takes about a week.

    Keep in mind that on dates indicated, we can have a large volume of orders and this can cause delays, place your order in advance so that it arrives correctly.

    How can I know if a photo is valid?

    We can work with a wide variety of photos and sizes. We can fix blurry photos and can combine multiple photos in one drawing.

    What if I don't like the drawing?

    We do everything possible so that you are satisfied with the result.

    In case you are not convinced we will make revisions of your drawing until you like it.

    Can I send a photo with my pet?

    Yes please! We love drawing pets.


    You can contact us by text or by email at:


    In case you don't like the drawing, we will modify the drawing until you like it .

    If you are still not convinced by the result, we will issue a refund.

    In the event that your painting arrives damaged, we will send you another one at no additional cost.